In these difficult times our residents depend solely on our care. Watermoor House Residential Care Home is a charity which is doing everything it can to protect residents and staff. So far, we have been fortunate not to have had any confirmed cases of Covid-19 but we are not complacent. Considerable expense has been incurred in securing supplies of additional personal protective equipment as well as increased staffing costs. If you can help support our charity to keep our vulnerable people safe please donate at:
Charity: Watermoor House RCH, 1168947 – Donations Account (Barclays Bank): 43722368 – Sort Code: 208458
Any donation big or small is appreciated. We will report on our progress on our Facebook page and show how the donations are being put to good use.
We are so thankful for the commitment of our dedicated staff and to all those nationally who have continued to serve. Here’s a short video showing some of our residents and staff giving their appreciation on a recent Thursday evening.